

Uninstalling MAMP PRO

Use the MAMP PRO Uninstaller accessible from the main menu in MAMP PRO.

Note: Uninstalling MAMP PRO will remove your databases located in “/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/db”.

  1. From the main menu go to “MAMP PRO > Uninstall MAMP PRO…” to start the uninstall process.
    MAMP PRO Uninstaller

  2. To uninstall, you must enter your macOS user password MAMP PRO Uninstaller - Enter your password to allow this

  3. At the end you will see a message informing you about the success of the uninstallation
    MAMP PRO Uninstaller - Success

  4. Drag the “/Applications/MAMP” folder to the “Trash” to complete uninstall.