FAQ > WordPress
MAMP PRO settings for error handling are not taken into account by WordPress site
In MAMP PRO you can set under Languages -> PHP whether PHP errors (including warnings and hints) should be displayed directly on the website or whether they should be written to a log file.
If you have deactivated the display of PHP messages at this point and PHP messages are still displayed on your WordPress site, this may be due to the fact that debug mode is activated on your WordPress installation. To check this, open the file “wp-config.php” and search for “WP_DEBUG” in it. So you will probably find these lines (or something like that):
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
To disable the display of the PHP messages you can either disable the debug mode in general by setting the value of the constant WP_DEBUG
to false
or if you only want to disable the display of the PHP messages then set the value of the constant WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY
to false
. After the changes, save the file and reload your WordPress site. The display of the PHP messages should now be gone.