

Create a new WordPress host

MAMP PRO provides an easy way to set up a current WordPress when creating a new host.

  1. Click on the “+” button at the bottom of the hosts list and then select the host type “WordPress” in the following dialog.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host

  2. Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Continue” button.

  3. The next step is to enter the name of your WordPress host. In this example we choose the name “my-blog”.

  4. As “Document root”, we will first create the new directory “my-blog” and then select it.

    Note: Do not create document root folders under your “/Applications/MAMP” folder. A better location for your document root folders would be “~/Sites/”. This will keep your host data separate from your MAMP PRO application data.

  5. If you want your new WordPress site to be accessible via “https” as well, select the corresponding checkbox (SSL).

    Note that this checkbox is automatically checked (and read-only) if you specify a name ending in “.dev”, because this is a top-level domain and the publisher has specified that only secure connections over https are allowed for security reasons, so browsers automatically redirect from http to https. For more information about this top-level domain, see Wikipedia{:target=”_blank”}.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host

  6. Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Continue” button.

  7. The next step will take you to the WordPress specific settings

    1. Enter your preferred access data (“Admin name”, “Admin password” …). You will need these to log into the administration area of your WordPress site. Write them down so you do not forget them.) and your email address.

    2. The database information is already filled in and you can leave it as it is.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host

  8. Clicking the “Create Host” button will create your new host, including WordPress. This may take a few seconds. Please be patient.

  9. After WordPress is installed, you will be prompted to click the “Save” button and restart the servers. Confirm this by clicking the “OK” button.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host - Before you can open the new host…

  10. You will then be asked to restart the servers. Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button in the dialog box.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host - Restart servers

  11. To open your new WordPress site in your default browser, click on the “Open” button to the right of the hostname field.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host - Open WordPress site

  12. Your new WordPress site will now look like the screenshot below.

    MAMP PRO - Create a new WordPress host - Done