Create a new Migration host
If you want to move a WordPress installation from remote server A to remote server B, this host type is a good place to start.
Note: If you want to move a WordPress installation from remote server A to remote server B, you will need two local hosts of this type. With the first local host, you download the WordPress installation from remote server A. You can then migrate the contents of that local host to the second local host. From there, you can publish the WordPress installation to remote server B.
Click the “+” button below the list of hosts and go to the “Advanced” section. In the following dialog, select the host type “Migration”.
Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Continue” button.
The next step is to enter the name of the new host. In this example, we choose the name “my-source-host”.
As “Document root” we first create the new directory “my-source-host” and then select it.
Note: Do not create document root folders under your “/Applications/MAMP” folder. A better location for your document root folders would be “~/Sites/”. This will keep your host data separate from the MAMP PRO application data.
If you want your new site to be accessible via “https” as well, select the corresponding checkbox (SSL).
Note that this checkbox is automatically checked (and read-only) if you specify a name ending in “.dev” because this is a top-level domain and the publisher has specified that only secure connections over https are allowed for security reasons, so browsers will automatically redirect from http to https. For more information about this top-level domain, see Wikipedia.
Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Continue” button.
The next screen will tell you what information is required for the next steps.
Click on “Continue” to proceed to the next step.
First enter the Public URL. Once you have entered the URL, you can check that it is correct by clicking on the arrow button to the right of the input field.
Confirm your data by clicking the “Continue” button.
In the next step, enter the FTP data.
Confirm your data by clicking the “Continue” button.
In the next step, specify the document root on your remote server. If you are not sure, MAMP PRO can try to find it automatically. Click the “Auto-Detect…” button. You can also select the directory manually. Click on the “Choose…” button.
Confirm your data by clicking the “Continue” button.
In the next step you enter the access data for the database on your remote server. If there is a WordPress installation on the server and you want to import it, MAMP PRO can automatically request the corresponding information. To do this, click on the “Auto-Detect” button. If you do not want to import any database, then simply leave the fields of these screens empty.
Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Create Host” button.
Save the settings for your new host by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom right. The servers will then need to be restarted. Confirm this by clicking the “Yes” button in the corresponding dialog box.
To open your new host in your default browser, click on the “Open” button to the right of the host name field.